Fwd: "FreeBSD Services announcement." <none@paul--freebsd-services.com.lh.bsd-dk.dk>

From: Phil Regnauld (none@regnauld--catpipe.net.lh.bsd-dk.dk)
Date: Fri 01 Feb 2002 - 09:41:09 CET

Date: Fri, 1 Feb 2002 09:41:09 +0100
From: Phil Regnauld <none@regnauld--catpipe.net.lh.bsd-dk.dk>
To: bsd-dk@bsd-dk.dk
Subject: Fwd: "FreeBSD Services announcement." <none@paul--freebsd-services.com.lh.bsd-dk.dk>

----- Forwarded message from Paul Richards <none@paul--freebsd-services.com.lh.bsd-dk.dk> -----

Subject: FreeBSD Services announcement.
From: Paul Richards <none@paul--freebsd-services.com.lh.bsd-dk.dk>
To: Announce@FreeBSD.ORG
Date: 01 Feb 2002 06:30:22 +0000

FreeBSD Services Ltd is pleased to announce the launch of its new
website, http://www.freebsd-services.com

The launch of the website means that our unique DVD distribution is now
widely available for purchase. This is the only distribution of FreeBSD
that includes all the pre-built packages and all the distributable ports
distfiles on just two disks.

The first disk is a bootable dual-layer DVD-ROM that can be used for
system installation and includes 5200+ pre-built packages. It can also
be used as a system recovery disk and a live filesystem. The second disk
is double sided. On one side is a single-layer DVD-ROM image containing
a full ports tree, including ~6500 distribution archives and which can
be mounted directly as /usr/ports. The other side contains a CD-ROM
image that can be used as a system installation and recovery disk in
those situations where a DVD-ROM drive is not available. It has the same
layout as the first DVD-ROM disk but with fewer pre-built packages.

The website is the culmination of 4 months of work to develop a fully
featured ordering and fulfillment system, capable of handling all the
taxation and privacy issues required to trade throughout Europe and the
world. Over the coming weeks and months we will be adding more products
to the website, including a wide range of hardware, merchandise, support
contracts and internet services.

About FreeBSD Services Ltd.

FreeBSD Services Ltd was formed in 1995 originally under the name of
Originative Solutions by founder core member Paul Richards. To reflect
the emphasis that the company placed on developing and supporting
FreeBSD it changed its name to FreeBSD Services Ltd on September 12,
2001 and its management was expanded to include Brian Somers, a well
known FreeBSD project member. Now in its seventh year of trading,
FreeBSD Services Ltd is one of the most established companies supporting
and developing FreeBSD around the world.

FreeBSD Services Ltd is unique in being the only company that is managed
entirely by members of the project, with all funds of the company being
used to support FreeBSD committers directly. Not a penny of our profits
goes to anyone other than project members.

Paul Richards
FreeBSD Services Ltd

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