[nik@freebsd.org: Pan-European BSD Mailing List]

From: Anton Berezin <none_at_tobez--tobez.org.lh.bsd-dk.dk>
Date: Wed, 30 May 2001 23:14:03 +0200
To: announce_at_bsd-dk.dk

----- Forwarded message from Nik Clayton <none_at_nik--freebsd.org.lh.bsd-dk.dk> -----

Date: Wed, 30 May 2001 21:00:03 +0100
From: Nik Clayton <none_at_nik--freebsd.org.lh.bsd-dk.dk>
To: nlfug_at_nlfug.nl, bsd-dk_at_bsd-dk.dk, pb_at_cbug.de,
        gioria_at_francenet.fr, webmaster_at_morix.de, bsd_at_bsdhh.org,
        bugi_at_enigma.redbrick.dcu.ie, varie_at_gufi.org, admin_at_pentagon.nu,
        michael_at_zaphod.rhein-neckar.de, bus_at_stacken.kth.se,
        freebsd-users_at_uk.freebsd.org, wvdputte_at_custodix.de, phk_at_freebsd.org,
Subject: Pan-European BSD Mailing List
Organization: FreeBSD Project <URL:http://www.freebsd.org/>

I'm sending this to the mailing lists for all the BSD usergroups that I know
of in Europe, and a couple of specific people that have expressed an interest
in this sort of thing in the past. Please feel free to send this on to any
that I may have missed. Reply-to points to the new eug mailing list.

One of the comments I've often heard from European BSD users at events like
Usenix is that there's not enough communication between the usergroups, when,
between us, we comprise a healthy chunk of the BSD developer and user base.
Once again, this was discussed at the recent BBQ at Cameron Grant's in the UK,
and a few of us have resolved to try and do something about it.

Right now, we've got a mailing list,


It's run by majordomo, so send a message to



    subscribe eug

in the message body to join.

Anticipated content includes:

* Meeting announcements (some of us are more than happy to travel to make

* Impromptu get-togethers (I'm writing this from a Swiss hotel room at the
  moment -- it would've been great to have been able to easily send out a
  "Hey, I'm going to be in Geneva soon, any other BSD people in the area fancy
  meeting up for a beer?")

* Requests for speakers -- if you've got an event coming up that you're trying
  to find a BSD speaker for, this lets you cast your net further.

* Requests for presentation content -- I dare say many of us have BSD specific
  reports to hand, or presentations, or statistics, that can be shared, and
  advice can be given.

* Commercial -- this might be organisations that are looking for BSD
  knowledgable developers, or it might be product announcements that are
  appropriate for BSD users, or BSD users running organisations, or providing
  consulting services specific to BSD (this is one of the things we'd expect
  to spin off in to a separate list pretty quickly, but time will tell how
  much traffic is in this category).

* Discussions about conferences (announcements, flights, hotel bookings, room
  sharing, ...), perhaps even organising a European BSDCon.

* And really, anything else that would be appropriate for a country-specific
  mailing list but that would also be interesting across Europe. About the
  only thing that would be off-topic would be "How do I do <X>?", which are
  better sent to the per-user group or per-project mailing lists.

We anticipate that the majority of messages will be in English, simply because
it's probably got the best chance of being understood by everyone. That's not
a hard and fast rule, of course.

Credit for getting the mailing list off the ground to Phil Regnauld
<none_at_regnauld--starbsd.org.lh.bsd-dk.dk>, who did the hard work.


FreeBSD: The Power to Serve             http://www.freebsd.org/
FreeBSD Documentation Project           http://www.freebsd.org/docproj/
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May the tuna salad be with you.
Received on Wed 30 May 2001 - 23:14:30 CEST

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