Lots of "file not found" messages for linux_base

From: Thomas Peter Berntsen (none@no_spam--translucent.dk.lh.bsd-dk.dk)
Date: Fri 31 Mar 2006 - 11:38:11 CEST

Date: Fri, 31 Mar 2006 11:38:11 +0200
From: Thomas Peter Berntsen <none@no_spam--translucent.dk.lh.bsd-dk.dk>
To: bsd-dk@bsd-dk.dk
Subject: Lots of "file not found" messages for linux_base


I am trying to install the basic linux compatibility port "linux_base"
for FreeBSD and I've noticed that I get a lot of "file not found"
messages as it tries to download the files needed from the mirrors. It
ultimately finds the files it needs on mirror four or five.

This leads me to a question whether or not this port is the best one to
be used for linux compatibility or if I should try another port instead?

All I'm after is the ability to run Java in LC-mode, so I don't have any
other requirements which should make me chose eg. the Suse or Debian LC


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