Re: Julefrokost 2k4 the date is here!!!!

From: Laust S. Jespersen (
Date: Tue 20 Jul 2004 - 10:54:52 CEST

Date: Tue, 20 Jul 2004 10:54:52 +0200
From: "Laust S. Jespersen" <>
Subject: Re: Julefrokost 2k4 the date is here!!!!

Christian Laursen wrote:

> Søren Hansen <> writes:
>>Jonas Hauge wrote:
>>>Hmm. Wouldn't it be better if we placed the julefrokost in
>>>fx. Odense?
>>>I think it's sad if every meeting in BSD-DK has to be in the
>>>Copenhagen-area (ofcourse we have BSD-FY/JY but i think this should
>>>be kept out of this discussion).
>>>Any oppinion about moving the julefrokost from Copenhagen to a more
>>>"central" area?
>>I vote for Odense or Århus (preferable Aalborg, where Casablanca would
>>be a nice choice, but I guess its too far away for the .cph people
>>;-)). PaB, you know some good places in Århus?
> Both Odense and Århus would be fine with me.
Running the risk of getting really unpopular, here's My personal
opinion on this matter.
I take it that the reason we should'nt talk BSD-FY/JY in this matter
is because you guys from Jylland and Fyn would like a BSD-DK
arrangement to take place near you? If this is so, how many people
do you think will come? The reason it is usually held here in cph is
that we can be sure of having atleast 20 people turn up.
I for one, will probably not come to either Århus or
Odense for a julefrokost (It's a bit of a long way home when you're
good and drunk :))
So My proposal is this: Arrange A BSD-DK Julefrokost in Odense or
Århus, but some of us non-travelling bastards will probably have a
BSD-SJ Julefrokost here :)
Hows that? Would that be better?

Med venlig hilsen / Best Regards
Laust Jespersen
Viking Rule of Acquisition 1: Remember where you beached the long ship

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