Call for lightning talks at Open Source Days

From: Sidsel Jensen <>
Date: Thu, 31 Jul 2008 13:03:58 +0200 (CEST)


While you are enjoying the holidays, we are sweating in the Danish summer
trying to get just the right mix of speakers and tracks for this years
conference. The summer heat has got to us, and we have decided to try something
"new" and we need help!

We would like to introduce lightning talks at this years Open Source Days

A lightning talk is a brief talk that focus on a single example, idea, project,
module or technique. Lightning talks do not attempt to cover
all aspects of their respective topics, but rather presents a facet of
the idea clearly and succinctly. Lightning talks are an excellent forum
for first-time speakers and almost anything goes.

So join us and give a lightning talk at Open Source Days, the conference for
those who tinkers with open source in any form. The duration of the lightning
talks will be 15 minutes.

Please note, that the conference language will predominantly be English.

If you represent a company, then please state that in your mail.

You're most welcome to write to the address below with any questions, or write
to us on IRC in the channel #opensourcedays @ EFnet, if you would like
review/feedback on your abstract.

"Lightning"-speakers attend the conference for free but we cannot reimburse
speakers travel or lodging.

If you would like to present a lightning talk, Send us a couple of paragraphs
with an outline of your proposed talk and a bit about yourself to
<> before August 10st - 2008

Open Source Days takes place at the IT University in Copenhagen, Denmark at
October 3rd and 4th 2008. Check for more info.

   The Open Source Days team
Is the CEO the web equivalent of captain Ahab -
willing to sacrifice the entire crew in his mad
quest for the E-Whale ?
                                 - NetSlaves
Received on Thu 31 Jul 2008 - 13:10:10 CEST

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