Date: Sat, 02 Feb 2008 23:54:27 +0100 From: Hack Kampbjørn <> To:, Subject: Open source - som nyskabelse
På foreningen BSD-DK's vegne vil vi gerne tilbyde dig følgende event.
Vi har fået overtalt vores BSD-DK medlem Gregers Petersen til at gentage
et spændende foredrag som han tidligere gav til EuroBSDcon 2007.
Foredrag & mulighed for at stille spørgsmål
The notion of going Open Source, is conquering the world. It seems to be
a completely new concept which goes against the general current. But, is
it in reality something new, or a re-emergence? This speech will through
the lense of anthropology explore the history of Open Source from
pre-history to the present. This tale will revolve around, and embed
itself, in the essential practice of cultural circulation. The form will
be both entertaining and informative.
Gregers Petersen is an anthropologist who presently researches the
intersections between Open Source Software and the market. He is a prior
board-member of BSD-DK and his sparetime is spend in company with
wireless networks. Gregers Petersen lives with his wife and children in
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