Looking for Crew @ Open Source Days

From: Sidsel Jensen <none_at_purple--hamster.dk.lh.bsd-dk.dk>
Date: Tue, 26 Aug 2008 12:49:15 +0200 (CEST)
To: announce_at_bsd-dk.dk


The Open Source Days 2008 conference is currently looking for volunteer
helpers. The conference takes place October 3rd - 4th at the IT-University in
Copenhagen, Denmark.

We need about 60 volunteers for the 2 day conference. We need people who can
help us pack conference bags the night before, set up chairs, do the video
recording during the conference, be a chairman of a track, take photographs or
blog during the conference and some who can help clean up afterwards.

How do I sign up?

You open up your favorite brower and go to


and fill in the form.

You will then later recieve an e-mail from Friends of Open Source Days giving
you, your task at the conference.

Friends of Open Source Days is coordinating all our volunteer activities.
You do not need to be a member of Friends of Open Source Days to be a helper.

Do I need to be an open source expert?

No - you don't need any special open source knowledge to be crew, just some
good spirits and a willingness to lend a helping hand. Its a unique opportunity
to meet and befriend the open source community.

What's in it for me?

As crew you can participate in the conference for FREE both days, but we expect
you to put in 3-4 hours of work, depending on your specific task.

Being crew at the conference will give you a different conference experience -
you'll get back stage and see how a large scale conference is organized. We
take good care of you and several of our crew members come back year after year
after year. :)

We hope to see you at Open Source Days 2008!

   - on behalf of the Open Source Days coord-team
Is the CEO the web equivalent of captain Ahab -
willing to sacrifice the entire crew in his mad
quest for the E-Whale ?
                                 - NetSlaves
Received on Tue 26 Aug 2008 - 12:49:26 CEST

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