Klub-møde d. 6 nov. - Mød Mr. DNS & BIND

From: Sidsel Jensen (none@purple--hamster.dk.lh.bsd-dk.dk)
Date: Tue 24 Oct 2006 - 10:53:25 CEST

Date: Tue, 24 Oct 2006 10:53:25 +0200 (CEST)
From: Sidsel Jensen <none@purple--hamster.dk.lh.bsd-dk.dk>
To: announce@bsd-dk.dk
Subject: Klub-møde d. 6 nov. - Mød Mr. DNS & BIND

Mød Mr. DNS & BIND

Mandag d. 6 November kl. 19.00 har du muligheden for at møde Cricket Liu, bedre
kendt som Mr. DNS & BIND. Medbring din O'Reilly DNS and BIND bog - det kan være
at du kan få den signeret af forfatteren.

Om foredraget

Cricket Liu, global authority on DNS has recently released the 5th edition of
the classic DNS and BIND from O'Reilly & Associates. You are invited to join us
for an exclusive sneak peek to learn more about best practices in DNS
architecture and emerging advanced topics in DNS (like ENUM, DNSSEC, IDN and
IPv6 support).

Cricket will also examine how features of appliances enhance, yet simplify this
DNS infrastructure, making it more secure, more reliable, and less costly to
manage and maintain.

Om foredragsholderen Cricket Liu

Cricket Liu is an authority on the Domain Name System and the co-author of all
of O'Reilly & Associates' Nutshell Handbooks on DNS, including the classic DNS
and BIND. Cricket helps guide the development of Infoblox's product strategy
and service offerings, and serves as a liaison between Infoblox and the
technical community. He worked for Hewlett-Packard for nearly ten years, where
he ran hp.com, one of the largest corporate domains in the world, and helped
found HP's Internet consulting business.
Cricket later co-founded his own Internet consulting and training company, Acme
Byte & Wire. After Network Solutions acquired Acme Byte & Wire, Cricket became
Director of DNS Product Management.

Hvor og Hvornår?

Arrangementet finder sted i Symbion Science Park, Fruebjergvej 3, DK-2100
København Ø mandag d. 6. november i lokale M2 kl. 19.00.

Arrangementet er gratis, men af hensyn til logistik omkring salg af
kaffe/vand er tilmelding nødvendig og kan ske ved at sende en mail med dit navn
til adressen: <none@tilmeld--dkuug.dk.lh.bsd-dk.dk>

HUSK der er alarm på døren så kom til tiden.

Vel mødt!


DKUUG, Hanne Schmidt Vilmann,
Fruebjergvej 3 2100 København Ø,
Tlf. 70 27 99 89 http://www.dkuug.dk/

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